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My Career Theory of choice would be the Holland Theory created by Dr. John Holland.

Holland’s theory states that most people can be categorized into six pure personality types. These six types are as follows:

·      Realistic - practical, physical, hands-on, tool-oriented

·      Investigative - analytical, intellectual, scientific, explorative

·      Artistic - creative, original, independent, chaotic

·      Social - cooperative, supporting, helping, healing/nurturing

·      Enterprising - competitive environments, leadership, persuading

·      Conventional - detail-oriented, organizing, clerical

Holland believes that people of the same personality tend to flock together, create a work environment that match their personality type, and are most likely to be both satisfied and successful in their occupation and work environment. Based on my Holland Code of SAE and sometimes SEC, all of the personality types were accurate and matched the occupations that I have done in my career such as summer counselor, advertising salesperson and manager, prekindergarten teacher, teachers assistant and future school counselor.

My Career Assessments

            In my own personal career assessments, four of my favorites were the Self Directed Search (SDS), Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), Career Keys, and the Interest Profiler. A description of my scores and interpretations are as follows:

Self-Directed Search (SDS)

            Dr. John Holland developed the Self Directed Search. The SDS Form is an easy-to-use, comprehensive career exploration tool that allows people to gain insight into the world of work and, with their new knowledge, discover an occupational "match." Individuals answer questions about their aspirations, activities, competencies, occupations, and other self-estimates in order to discover occupations that best fit their interests and skills. After completing my SDS, my top three scores summary code was SEC, which means I am social, enterprising, and conventional. The work environment that I have chosen in my vocational career has been consistent with my personality type based on this assessment.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)  

            The MBTI measures psychological typesthat are based on Carl Jung’s psychoanalytic theory.Jung believed that people differ in interests, values, motivation, and skills through individualized judgments that have been formed by numerous perceptions of events and experiences.The MBTI is designed to measure perceptions, judgments, and attitudes used by different types of people. After taking this assessment, my type was ESFJ, which means that I am extraverted, sensing, feeling and judging. It also means that I am warmhearted, conscientious, and cooperative. It also states that I want harmony in my environment and will work with determination to establish it. I like to work with others to complete tasks accurately and on time, am loyal and follow through even in small matters, notice what others need in their day-by-day lives and try to provide it, and want to be appreciated for who I am and for what I contribute. My Kersey Temperament Sorter results indicated that my personality type is the Guardian. ESFJ guardians are providers, sociable, gregarious, affectionate, and have strong family values.

Career Keys-  

       The Career Key is based on John Holland's theory of career choice. Understanding Holland’s theory will help you make good choices about which occupations, careers, majors, or training programs best fit you. My career keys results where Social, Artistic, and Enterprising (SAE).  For social it considered me to be a "Helper"; I enjoy assisting people in various ways,I like working in groups, and I find that verbal and communication skills come naturally to me. The Artistic type described me asbeing a "Creator".I enjoy art of all types, including drama, music, literature, and poetry. I like using my imagination and creativity. I prefer working in unstructured environments; andI have a need to express myself.I may describe myself as sensitive or emotional.Enterprisingconsidered me to be a  "Persuader".I enjoy leading or managing other people.I often respond well to competition and enjoy leading teams. I am willing to take risks and value status, power, money and material possessions. 

O-Net Interest Profiler

            The Interest Profiler helps you find out what your interests are and how they relate to the world of work. It also helps you identify your strongest work related interest. Knowing your interest can help you identify types of jobs and help in career exploration. My Interest Profiler was Social, Artistic, and Enterprising (SAE).